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Type: Posts; User: xborderland

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  1. when I run the following query in the sql editor

    select 'DOCUMENT' = CASE WHEN grouping (tipodcto.descripcion) = 1 then'' else isnull (tipodcto.descripcion, 'S / D') end,
  2. I tried to load 24.285 into a gridpanel , but the load time is very slow
    I read the examples about paging , but i can't paginating the dataset information , please is a very important detail
    in my...
  3. any way to use a Web Service deployed in a localhost ?
    For example : http://localhost:8280/services/Version

    I get the same error, entering that direction
  4. I have this web service from the internet is for examples purposes

    I tried to call the method GetCountries to fill a combo.
    I seen the examples, but I...
  5. wow really thanks geoffrey.mcgill
  6. can i import a excel document to load into a gridpanel component ?
    any way to do it ?

  7. daniil
    my problem is solved now ,but
    really thanks for the help and the support
  8. in every day I place the fallowing code

    <Renderer Handler="if (record.get('nombre') === 'baja') { value = 'BA'; } return value;" />

  9. <ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel5"
  10. Object does not support this property or method
    doesnt work

    this is my code 'nombre' is the field when the value is baja or disponible

    <ext:Column Header="estado" width="250" ...
  11. when i using session parameters
    I had the same problem
    the solution in my case
    replace the Session Parameters with cookie parameters

    create a Cookie Parameters

    HttpCookie cookie = new...
  12. are you using Session[' value',value ] parameters ?
  13. I have the following problem
    i need to convert all values to 'BA'
    when estado column == baja

    thanks for the help !
Results 1 to 13 of 13