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Type: Posts; User: jxlarrea

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  1. For the record, I found the problem. The Window + TabStrip view is loaded as a Partial View using @Html.Partial("~/Views/Shared/_MyPartial.cshtml"). This was causing the TabStrip javascript code not...
  2. Hello,

    I'm trying to add a TabStrip to a Window topbar using the following code:

  3. Hello, in the following example when I attempt to Page it fails since the "shipcode" and "voy" parameters are not being sent to the AjaxProxy. I don't see any Html.X().StoreParameter() builder and if...
  4. Nevermind, found the problem. I had to add .Layout(LayoutType.Fit) to the "Booking" Panel.

    Thanks for your help regarding the initial problem!
  5. Thank you, worked perfectly although there is a strange behavior. The GridPanel loaded from the partial view won't anchor 100% to the center region specified in the Viewport (It grows the size of the...
  6. It is possible to add items to a Panel from a Partial View? Something like this:

  7. I'm having this issue with IE7, IE8 and FF3. Haven't tried with other browsers.
  8. I'm having exactly the same problem. Any TriggerField or ComboBox placed as editor in a GridPanel causes the focus cycle to stop. I can't get the editing focus to jump to the next cell if the...
  9. Hello, I have 2 Multiselects. One of them reads the data from a Store and the other multiselect serves as a drop box.

    I need to clear all the fields on the window, including both MultiSelects....
  10. Looks like it doesn't work when the datasource is a Linq IQueryable collection.

    For example:

    Store2.DataSource = db.AddressBookContacts.Skip(e.Start).Take(e.Limit);

    This returns a...
  11. When the first datasource of a Store is empty it no longer works even if it is rebound with a collection. The error received is "this.getTotal is not a function".

    The problem is exactly as...
Results 1 to 11 of 11