View Full Version : I can't open a new Thread

Oct 01, 2022, 11:03 AM
Why? What is with https://examples5.ext.net/ ?


Oct 03, 2022, 5:01 PM
Hello @gidi! Sorry for the bad experience with examples explorers. It looks like the hosting has some issues. We are already aware of the problem and are trying with them to correct the issues.

For the time being, you can just clone the Examples Explorer Public GitHub repository (https://github.com/extnet/examples5.ext.net), build and run it locally to browse most examples (with the exception for some examples that uses MS-SQL database examples that should always be set up manually as there's no such public SQL server).

Hope this helps!

Oct 04, 2022, 5:18 PM
Ok, but why i'm no premium member? I can't open new Threads.

On 2022-05-11 i paid 240 USD for "1 x Ext.NET Premium Support Subscription ( 1 year of Premium support (Included) ) "

Oct 06, 2022, 6:24 PM
Hello again, @gidi!

If you think you're not in the Premium group by mistake, please email us at support@ext.net with the relevant information and you'll get a prompt and objective reply.

Hope this helps!

Oct 13, 2022, 1:22 PM
I don't get any answer from support@ext.net .


Oct 13, 2022, 4:45 PM
Hello again, gidi!

Oh gee, must have hit spam folder for some unforeseeable reason. It hasn't "returned" to you as "undelivered", has it? I've pinged the team about the possibly miscarried message. It should also help if you use the same email you used during subscription.

If you don't mind to forward the message again to the same email, this might help us spot the message. Unfortunately and for your privacy, we cannot exchange sensitive information here in the open forums, so please bear with us.

Usually, customers are removed from the "premium" subscription when it expires, but as you suggest it was done by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience and support!

EDIT: As you pointed, the subscription should be active until 2023-05, so the following isn't actual for your case, but may help others with the same issue.

"You may, by the way, check the original subscription email to check the date it was made effective and for how long it was purchased to double check whether the expiry has been triggered. You can always renew it, given it is for an Ext.NET version that didn't reach end of support (older Ext.NET versions) and the e-mail you sent is primarily the means for that."

Thanks again for your patience.