View Full Version : [CLOSED] Ext.NET 7 Book

Aug 04, 2021, 10:45 AM

did you prepare a book about a ext.net 7 ?

Aug 04, 2021, 4:08 PM
Hello @mtsig!

The short answer is no, unfortunately we haven't had preparations for a physical book or eBook about Ext.NET 7.

Our official book release was back in December 2012 (https://ext.net/new-book-ext-net-web-application-development/) and the book basically reflected Ext.NET 2 and have been useful for Ext.NET developers down to version 5, where the syntax remained more or less the same.

While a lot of concepts should have remained, Ext.NET 7 is a pretty steep technology change from its predecessor version 5 (and that's one of the reasons why we skipped not one, but two version numbers between releases!). So the book should still be very useful, but many WebForms-specific tricks won't be applicable to Ext.NET 7 that uses Razor Syntax in traditional Html Helpers syntax (which our MVC 5 examples uses (https://mvc5.ext.net/)) and the new Tag Helpers (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro?view=aspnetcore-5.0) to compensate the loss of WebForms (and which most of the new examples explorer (http://github.com/extnet/examples.ext.net/) uses).

Hope this helps!