Feb 24, 2021, 7:24 PM
I am new still figuring out my way with Ext.NET. I was wondering if there is a way or already designed template that could generate a FORM from the specified columns of a model. Say a pop up window that could help with adding new items or editing a selected item other than having to create a page for each operation.
see attached images...2550825507
something similar to this https://examples2.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Paging_and_Sorting/Local_Data_Paging/ but not inline editing. I want a form display for the give fields..
I am new still figuring out my way with Ext.NET. I was wondering if there is a way or already designed template that could generate a FORM from the specified columns of a model. Say a pop up window that could help with adding new items or editing a selected item other than having to create a page for each operation.
see attached images...2550825507
something similar to this https://examples2.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Paging_and_Sorting/Local_Data_Paging/ but not inline editing. I want a form display for the give fields..