View Full Version : Custom Window with Record Details - Saving to Database

Jul 17, 2020, 8:09 PM
I downloaded the following example:

It seems to work properly except the code to save the data to the database is not there. I see there is a "save" js function that is executed when the button is clicked, but nothing further. The grid is updated when the user clicks "Save" button on the form but the data is not going to db. Is there another example I can look at to see how that works?

Thanks in advance.


Jul 21, 2020, 9:38 PM
Hello, @Dennis!

We got a grid panel section with saving variations that takes data straight to a MS-SQL server, and that's probably more than what you need to see how to persist Ext.NET data in your database.

These are some ways, of course, but far from all possible alternatives to save data. They are nonetheless good references to get you started. Well, hopefully so.

Here you go:

- GridPanel > Saving_Variations > HttpHandler (https://examples5.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Saving_Variations/HttpHandler/)
- GridPanel > Saving_Variations > StoreCustomLogic (https://examples5.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Saving_Variations/StoreCustomLogic/)
- GridPanel > Saving_Variations > StoreEvents (https://examples5.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Saving_Variations/StoreEvents/)
- GridPanel > Saving_Variations > WebService (https://examples5.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Saving_Variations/WebService/)

Hope this helps!

Jul 23, 2020, 7:04 PM
Thanks! I figured it out, just made a call to DirectMethod. It worked!