View Full Version : GridPanel - DirectEvents <RowBodyClick>

Jun 10, 2020, 12:02 AM
I'm testing the <directEvents> in a <ext-window> and it worked fine, but when it doesn't work in the <ext-gridPanel>, I could submit some examples and include the Grouping properties for the columns. I have spent many hours running different tests but cannot get it to work.

Is there documentation available for this new version?

Thanks for your help.


<ext-gridpanel id="MyGrid" title="Test" height="400" allowDeselect="true" simpleSelect="true" region="Center">
<ext-store id="MyStore">
<ext-stringDataField name="Field1" />
<ext-stringDataField name="Field2" />
<ext-numberDataField name="Field3" />
<ext-column text="Field1" dataIndex="Field1" align="Center" width="40" />
<ext-column text="Field2" dataIndex="Field2" width="200" flex="1" />
<ext-column text="Field3" dataIndex="Field3" align="Center" width="50" />
<rowBodyClick url="GetDetails" before="alert('Row Click');" success="loadDetails" />

Jun 10, 2020, 2:43 AM
Hello @lu7jm!

Would you mind wrapping code blocks within
tags? You can edit your post above and add the tags.

Ext.NET 7 is very high fidelity with Ext JS API, so at any time you'd have full documentation from Ext JS framework. Ext.NET 7 preview4 employs Ext JS 7.2.0 (like Ext.NET 5.2.0) and Sencha, the makers of the JavaScript / client-side framework host their documentation online (with an option to download for offline access).

For a start, here is the documentation on GridPanel's RowBodyClick event (https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.2.0/classic/Ext.grid.Panel.html#event-rowbodyclick).

In the documentation entry linked above there will be the explanation for why the event is not triggered (requires additional features enabled to the grid).

Hope this helps!

Jun 10, 2020, 6:04 AM
For the <rowBodyClick> event to work, the <features> property must be initialized but I have tried as follows and it doesn't work either, could you help me with one example?



<ext-gridpanel id="MyGrid" title="Test" height="400" allowDeselect="true" simpleSelect="true" region="Center">
<ext-store id="MyStore">
<ext-stringDataField name="Field1" />
<ext-stringDataField name="Field2" />
<ext-numberDataField name="Field3" />
<ext-column text="Field1" dataIndex="Field1" align="Center" width="40" />
<ext-column text="Field2" dataIndex="Field2" width="200" flex="1" />
<ext-column text="Field3" dataIndex="Field3" align="Center" width="50" />

<RowBody />

<rowBodyClick url="GetDetails" before="alert('Row Click');" success="loadDetails" />

Jun 10, 2020, 8:47 PM
Hello @lu7jm!

Yes, the <feature> block is still not supported in the grid panel, so that won't work for now.

I have realized it is currently exported in Ext.NET 7 as a property and the intellisense suggestions are really misleading, so I have logged an issue in github for us to better expand on that feature that might need some work until it is fully usable.

We logged it under #1781 on GitHub (https://github.com/extnet/Ext.NET/issues/1781) and will post a follow-up here as soon as we get some feedback about the feature (proper documentation on how to use, a fix, etc).

You can attain the same behavior though, if you set the grid's view rowClick event to that grid.

For that, just add a viewConfig block in your grid as follows:

<rowClick handler="Ext.toast('Row body click.')" />

Anyway, the Features block should work for this and other functionality it enables in Grid Panels, and we will definitely review it.

Hope this helps!

Jun 11, 2020, 7:02 AM
Thank you very much, now it works.