Jun 06, 2020, 3:13 PM
Number 1 :
I've load url to a create window on desktop using this code :
[DirectMethod(ShowMask = true)]
public void createwinappme(string idmn, string wtitle, string waction, int wheight, int wwidth)
Desktop.GetInstance().CreateWindow(new Window
ID = idmn,
Height = wheight,
Width = wwidth,
Maximizable = false,
Resizable = false,
Title = wtitle,
Icon = Icon.TableGear,
CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy,
Modal = false,
Layout = "FitLayout",
Loader = new ComponentLoader
Url= waction,
Mode = LoadMode.Frame,
LoadMask =
ShowMask = true
idmn --> the created windows ID
waction ---> loading url
on the waction i've put button to close the windows parent
<ext:Button ID="btnClose" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false" Text="Exit" Icon="DoorOpen">
<Click Handler=" " />
Is there any solution to close parent windows using button on loading url ...???
Number 2 :
I've try to hide desktop start button using this code :
<Ready Handler="Ext.get('ux-taskbar-start').addClass('x-hide-display');" />
but i've got my desktop blank like below
Is there any solution to hide start button ... ??
Thank you ...
Number 1 :
I've load url to a create window on desktop using this code :
[DirectMethod(ShowMask = true)]
public void createwinappme(string idmn, string wtitle, string waction, int wheight, int wwidth)
Desktop.GetInstance().CreateWindow(new Window
ID = idmn,
Height = wheight,
Width = wwidth,
Maximizable = false,
Resizable = false,
Title = wtitle,
Icon = Icon.TableGear,
CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy,
Modal = false,
Layout = "FitLayout",
Loader = new ComponentLoader
Url= waction,
Mode = LoadMode.Frame,
LoadMask =
ShowMask = true
idmn --> the created windows ID
waction ---> loading url
on the waction i've put button to close the windows parent
<ext:Button ID="btnClose" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false" Text="Exit" Icon="DoorOpen">
<Click Handler=" " />
Is there any solution to close parent windows using button on loading url ...???
Number 2 :
I've try to hide desktop start button using this code :
<Ready Handler="Ext.get('ux-taskbar-start').addClass('x-hide-display');" />
but i've got my desktop blank like below
Is there any solution to hide start button ... ??
Thank you ...