View Full Version : [CLOSED] Migrating from Ext.net 2.5 to Ext.net 4.1: GridPanel, CellDblClick

Aug 21, 2016, 2:47 PM
The following code refers to a GridPanel

<CellDblClick Handler="if (isTextAreaCell(this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex)) return false;}" />

It seems that the parameter cellIndex starts from 1 and not from 0 as before.
Can you confirm that?

RowIndex instead has remained the same.

Thank you

Aug 22, 2016, 7:38 AM
Using Ext.net 2, the cellIndex parameter passed by CellDblClick was 0-based.
Using Ext.net 4 cellIndex is 1-based

You can confirm that?

Aug 22, 2016, 9:41 PM
No problem, investigating myself, I solved the issue and I share it.
It might be useful to someone else.

In CellDblClick and CellClick event handler (GridPanel), cellIndex paramenter behaves differently between Ext.Net 2.5 and Ext.Net 4.1

Using Ext.net 2.5, the cellIndex parameter ignores the hidden columns (Using it as the index do grid.columns, errors can occur if there are hidden columns)

Using Ext.net 4.1, the cellIndex parameter takes account of hidden columns.

This is what I understood, I hope it is correct.
And I hope you understand!