View Full Version : Combobox not binding data

Satyanarayana murthy
Jun 27, 2009, 12:22 PM
Hi ,

I am editing a From that form has combobox, and binding data in pageload event. it is fine.
If i am trying to rebind new data again (not in pageload).combobox not updated with new data.

mo sample code like..

MasterListTransfer[] listRole = controller.GetMasterDetailsByName("Role");

foreach (MasterListTransfer r in listRole)


Coolite.Ext.Web.ListItem li = new Coolite.Ext.Web.ListItem();

li.Text = r.Name;

li.Value = r.Id.ToString();



if used it pageload with (!IsPostBack) then bind data properly.But i need to bind data gain to combo with some filtered list.so i can not do it on page load.

Plz help on this,

Thanks and regards