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  1. [CLOSED] System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission
  2. [CLOSED] [1.0] Add hidden panel to items of dynamic panel
  3. [CLOSED] Get script for a dynamically added control
  4. [CLOSED] [1.0] TextField/ComboBox strange UI behavior in Column Layout
  5. [CLOSED] customise tooltip for a specific item in Combobox
  6. [CLOSED] GetParentList property on ComboBox
  7. [CLOSED] Passing an array to a DirectMethod
  8. [CLOSED] FormPanel.Defaults not applied to all Fields
  9. [CLOSED] Persisting row selected on page chage
  10. [CLOSED] "Select..." text in ext:ComboBox
  11. [CLOSED] Javascript Error loading dynamic usercontrol 1.0
  12. [CLOSED] [1.0] rendermode.addto layout issue
  13. [CLOSED] How to brake lineas in a label?
  14. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel Column Vertical Align
  15. [CLOSED] How to make an image button pressed when the user clicks it?
  16. [CLOSED] [1.0] Passing ExtraParams on Store OnRefreshData
  17. [CLOSED] [1.0] Hidden Panel flashes in FireFox when Component has EmptyText
  18. [CLOSED] [1.0] Portal drag and drop Portlet bugs
  19. [CLOSED] Store is not binding
  20. [CLOSED] [1.0] gridpanel loads blank rows
  21. [CLOSED] [1.0] upgraded svn causes javascript error
  22. [CLOSED] Why does combobox text get overwritten by the value while I set the selected item text?
  23. [CLOSED] [1.0] ImageCommandColumn and custom renderer
  24. [CLOSED] Gridpanel second Column data Rendering a Jiberish
  25. [CLOSED] Can I use a control to optionally allow the user to make the viewing panel larger (by hiding/collapsing the left hand panel) to make .swf display a bit larger?
  26. [CLOSED] CompositeField as ServerControl
  27. [CLOSED] Toolbar items sizing
  28. [CLOSED] [1.0] TimeField Bug when deselecting a value
  29. [CLOSED] Absolute layout
  30. [CLOSED] How to change the height property of a panel after it is rendered and also wich url was loaded using that panel?
  31. [CLOSED] Portlet closable and closeaction property obsolete?
  32. [CLOSED] [1.0] ImageCommand Icon
  33. [CLOSED] [1.0] Error DataContractAttribute.get_IsReference() Not found
  34. [CLOSED] [1.0] reset PagingToolBar store with proxy
  35. [CLOSED] XRender insert in specific index
  36. [CLOSED] Tips in Regions not working
  37. [CLOSED] [1.0] DirectEvent TimeOut = Can it be defaulted site wide?
  38. [CLOSED] getRowsValues from multiple pages
  39. [CLOSED] Basic Layout question for Layout Fit / AutoHeight
  40. [CLOSED] [MVC] Newest resource for MVC exampels
  41. [CLOSED] checkbox has no css in panel bar
  42. [CLOSED] datepicker from to example
  43. [CLOSED] [1.0] parentAutoLoadControl is lost after reload
  44. [CLOSED] [1.0] Triggers not visible for a TriggerField
  45. [CLOSED] Different labelalign within a FormPanel
  46. [CLOSED] [1.0] CompositeField vs MultiField
  47. [CLOSED] two clomuns combo
  48. [CLOSED] Multiselect does not fits parent container
  49. [CLOSED] A vertical line beside the tabs.
  50. [CLOSED] Force remote reloading of ComboBox on each query
  51. [CLOSED] IE 8 Screen rendering issues
  52. [CLOSED] Prompt before DirectEvent
  53. [CLOSED] Preventing a Desktop Window from being shown in the taskbar
  54. [CLOSED] Propertygrid selected row value
  55. [CLOSED] Check/Uncheck a treenode
  56. [CLOSED] HTML Editor - insert image with relative path
  57. [CLOSED] [1.0] Window with fit layout does not show scrollbars
  58. [CLOSED] How to avoid the SelectionChanged event when changing a selection?
  59. [CLOSED] [1.0] grid's AutoEncode and RowEditor
  60. [CLOSED] [1.0] MessageBoxConfig textbox height - min height
  61. [CLOSED] Back button
  62. [CLOSED] Animation appears at the bottom instead of the center of a BorderLayout.
  63. [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?
  64. [CLOSED] ListView values not coming back
  65. [CLOSED] Ext.EventManager is undefined when collapsing panel
  66. [CLOSED] get more than one text from combo box
  67. [CLOSED] [1.0] DragDrop Grid to Same Grid?
  68. [CLOSED] [1.0] Grouping view with Row Editor?
  69. [CLOSED] [1.0] RowExpander Component
  70. [CLOSED] Silver buttons in toolbar
  71. [CLOSED] [1.0] Messenger/Chat Implementation
  72. [CLOSED] [1.0] Lightbox
  73. [CLOSED] [1.0] Ability to register Scripts for a Component without having any instance of it on the Page
  74. [CLOSED] [1.0] HtmlEditor inheriting style sheet
  75. [CLOSED] Create dynamic grid from XML
  76. [CLOSED] Combo Box disable Value not getting submitted.
  77. [CLOSED] [1.0] IE6 - TimeField does not appear
  78. [CLOSED] [1.0] Regional and Language Settings Problem
  79. [CLOSED] Autosize Grids
  80. [CLOSED] Row Selection in Gridpanel [1.0]
  81. [CLOSED] Treegrid SelectionChange
  82. [CLOSED] [1.0] NumberField
  83. [CLOSED] Column visible index and HeaderRow disables column move in GridPanel
  84. [CLOSED] What is the difference?
  85. [CLOSED] [1.0] Paging Listeners
  86. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel's isMasked() returns an incorrect value
  87. [CLOSED] [1.0] Looping through FormPanel fields
  88. [CLOSED] GridPanel in Form Layout
  89. [1.0] RowEditor and columns width problem
  90. [CLOSED] Select first row from propertygrid
  91. [CLOSED] Dynamic Grid not populating data
  92. [CLOSED] Bind GridPanel to XmlNodeList
  93. [CLOSED] Insert Record into grid
  94. [CLOSED] How can I see the images of the icons that are available for Colite controls?
  95. [CLOSED] [1.0] EnableBodyRow and RowNumbererColumn
  96. [CLOSED] How to send the node id as paramenter to a javascript function when the user clicks in a TreePanel?
  97. [CLOSED] Icon Combo
  98. [CLOSED] How to call a function when the user clicks the collapse are in a AccordionLayout?
  99. [CLOSED] [1.0] Ext.Net.X.Mask.Show outputs invalid script
  100. [CLOSED] Summary grid
  101. [CLOSED] [1.0] Reason for continuously switching the Editor reference for a GridPanel field
  102. [CLOSED] Ajax File Download - Handling an Error
  103. [CLOSED] [1.0] Listview inside portlet - how to fit to size of portlet or show borders?
  104. [CLOSED] Vtype problem
  105. [CLOSED] Select rows All in GridPanel
  106. [CLOSED] [1.0] Dynamically add control
  107. [CLOSED] [1.0] Note on text field makes it disregard Width/AnchorHorizontal
  108. [CLOSED] Scrollable Tree
  109. [CLOSED] Problem with rendering value in a grid panel column after calling AjaxMethod
  110. [CLOSED] How to set my own icons to a Panel and TreePanel?
  111. [CLOSED] flormariafr@hotmail.com
  112. [CLOSED] Combo box creation by DirectEvent
  113. [CLOSED] New window from an existing one.
  114. [CLOSED] Grid settings
  115. [CLOSED] [1.0] call javascript from StoreSubmitDataEventArgs
  116. [CLOSED] Upgrade to 0.8.2 from 0.8.1
  117. [CLOSED] [1.0] CheckboxSelectionModel how to uncheck the checkbox
  118. [CLOSED] [1.0] Fit image into portlet
  119. [CLOSED] [8.2] TreeNode CustomAttributes
  120. [CLOSED] How to add renderer to ComboBox Editor within dynamic GridPanel
  121. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel
  122. [CLOSED] [1.0] HeaderRows do not render in the latest build
  123. [CLOSED] IE 7 Combo box disappears after disable
  124. [CLOSED] [1.0] Two component at GridPanel View
  125. [CLOSED] [0.8.2] Date Range - correct month does not open
  126. [CLOSED] Pagingtoolbar text overlaps in toolbar
  127. [CLOSED] [1.0] Toolbar Overflow
  128. [CLOSED] Timeout for PageProxy
  129. [CLOSED] show and hide tabs
  130. [CLOSED] [1.0] MultiField vs CompositeField
  131. [CLOSED] Treepanel tooltip
  132. [CLOSED] GridPanel inside portlet - how to fit 100% with no padding
  133. [CLOSED] [1.0] Request Failure Window
  134. [CLOSED] Tabstrip tab items and dynamically changing titles
  135. [CLOSED] how to pass sort and dir through baseparams on store
  136. [CLOSED] Update a combobox selectedvalue on editable datagrid from codebehind
  137. [CLOSED] Strange problem with dynamic generated Icons
  138. [CLOSED] [1.0] Problems with CompositeField and ComboBox
  139. [CLOSED] How to :Cell spacing in dynamic TableLayout
  140. [CLOSED] [1.0] DBNull Error Binding Store to Strongly Typed Data Set
  141. [CLOSED] Dynamic Hyperlink adding HTML Line break after
  142. [CLOSED] [1.0] Revision 2661 Breaks X.Call.JS
  143. [CLOSED] Exporting a dynamic grid to .csv file
  144. [CLOSED] [1.0] Confirmation Message
  145. [CLOSED] FileUploadField posting to a httphandler
  146. [CLOSED] [1.0] Ext.encode and JSON.Deserialize
  147. [CLOSED] Label Style / Obtain label color based on theme
  148. [CLOSED] Layout problem and Direct Event keeps firing
  149. [CLOSED] [1.0] Desktop with Window containing GroupTabPanel
  150. [CLOSED] How to close a Ext Window from server side and refresh parent
  151. [CLOSED] Incorrect Rendering of Child controls when parent user control is loaded in collapsed state
  152. [CLOSED] Combination of RadioList and TextField
  153. [CLOSED] Default field focus.
  154. [CLOSED] DirectEvents inside a window
  155. [CLOSED] [1.0] Loading Mask
  156. [CLOSED] [1.0] ComboBox ValueNotFoundText
  157. [CLOSED] Missing translation in javascript file
  158. [CLOSED] [1.0] Store and Paging
  159. [CLOSED] [1.0] Selectable Property
  160. [CLOSED] menu mouse out issue
  161. [CLOSED] Coolite Button Skin
  162. [CLOSED] [1.0] TabPanel AutoLoad with IE 7/8 on Windows XP
  163. [CLOSED] Strange button not visible issue
  164. [CLOSED] HBoxLayout Issue w/Hidden items
  165. [CLOSED] Get cell in gridpanel drag and drop
  166. [CLOSED] Check whether a Container has laid out
  167. [CLOSED] Client-side nested Grid Panels
  168. [CLOSED] [1.0] Initially Hidden fields in CompositeField do not render properly on becoming visible
  169. [CLOSED] CenterLayout / Scroll Issue
  170. [CLOSED] Deactivate Rows in a CheckBoxSelectionModel
  171. [CLOSED] Input Mask for textfield
  172. [CLOSED] Use coolite 1.0 in SharePoint 2010
  173. [CLOSED] [1.0]Assign an iframe ID?
  174. [CLOSED] unable to render pdf inside viewport
  175. [CLOSED] Grid-Date Export Example: Export whole data of remote Store
  176. [CLOSED] tabstrip titles get cut off after re-styling
  177. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel cell and Tooltips
  178. [CLOSED] Access TriggerEventArgs from DirectEvent Handler
  179. [CLOSED] [1.0] Store inside container's content
  180. [CLOSED] [1.0] checkbox.checked not valorized
  181. [CLOSED] [1.0] render combobox IE(6,7) issue
  182. [CLOSED] ASP.NET MVC2 LogOn
  183. [CLOSED] dual combobox problem
  184. [CLOSED] [1.0] TreeGrid Help
  185. [CLOSED] Rendering control dynamically at particular position
  186. [CLOSED] Spell check component
  187. [CLOSED] NumberField validation problem
  188. [CLOSED] runtime Grid creation in chrome
  189. [CLOSED] Inserted records dissapear after local sort operation
  190. [CLOSED] [1.0] Javascript Error in IE8
  191. [CLOSED] Access to SVN
  192. [CLOSED] Add new Button to page
  193. [CLOSED] Datefield control accepting invalid data
  194. [CLOSED] [1.0] ext:CommandColumn locking issue
  195. [CLOSED] [1.0]ComboBox and Dates
  196. [CLOSED] Add or replace item in Store
  197. [CLOSED] DirectEvent form creation with panel
  198. [CLOSED] StatusBar height
  199. [CLOSED] Reset store's sort info on grid reload/reconfigure
  200. [CLOSED] Default values to DateField control
  201. [CLOSED] Grid Component in Row Expander
  202. [CLOSED] [1.0] How do I use static JS, CSS files for coolite 1.0
  203. [CLOSED] [1.0] General Transaction Error
  204. [CLOSED] "'Ext.Net.Response' is null or not an object" on store save
  205. [CLOSED] Try to use DataView, XTemplate has no data...
  206. [CLOSED] [1.0] CheckboxSelectionModel DeselectRow issue
  207. [CLOSED] [1.0] Comobox trigger isn't aligned with textbox on IE 6&7
  208. [CLOSED] [1.0] ColumnLayout Problem
  209. [CLOSED] [1.0] Toolbar Ref not placed in OwnerCt
  210. [CLOSED] radiogroup fields not displaying in multifields
  211. [CLOSED] Panel LoadContent
  212. [CLOSED] [1.0]TreeLoader.ClearOnLoad not always working
  213. Code block in XScript
  214. [CLOSED] [1.0] Load htmlEditor in window - autosize to fit in window
  215. [CLOSED] Format-beautify DirectEvent response
  216. [CLOSED] [1.0] TabPanel Graphical Error with TabCloserMenu/TabScrollerMenu
  217. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel and PagingToolbar bug
  218. [CLOSED] AjaxMethod call from popup window
  219. Store.Reader.Count = 1?
  220. [CLOSED] [1.0] Ext.net.Store.remove method not accepting array
  221. [CLOSED] [1.0] custom search
  222. [CLOSED] Panel does not render in FF correctly after removing & adding new components
  223. [CLOSED] [1.0] Show/Hide textfield created runtime with listeners
  224. [CLOSED] How to extend Ext.NET components
  225. [CLOSED] EXT MVC Template with IOC, DI, TDD etc.
  226. [CLOSED] Button Click Listener bug
  227. [CLOSED] [V1.0] TaskManager, Tasks (creating server side)
  228. [CLOSED] Add mask to textfield keypress
  229. [CLOSED] [1.0] TreeGrid, lazy load, and RootVisible="true"
  230. [CLOSED] Get column gridfilter value
  231. [CLOSED] submit gridpanel problem
  232. [CLOSED] [1.0] Update Lazy loaded TreeGrid row
  233. [CLOSED] [0.8.2] Render problem after displaying a hidden combobox
  234. [CLOSED] Changing inputtextmask Mask dynamically
  235. [CLOSED] [1.0] Number field as grid editor
  236. [CLOSED] [1.0] DirectEvent Stops working
  237. [CLOSED] [1.0] Toolbar Mouseover Popup Menu
  238. [CLOSED] Set listeners with On()
  239. [CLOSED] Ajax tooltip for grid Column
  240. [CLOSED] [1.0] FileUpload FileName IE - FF
  241. [solved] google earth plugin and ext/coolite solution
  242. [CLOSED] Special char problem
  243. [CLOSED] Pass params to Ext.net.DirectMethods
  244. [CLOSED] Button DirectEvent Confirmation - display alert
  245. [CLOSED] String.format defined in ExtJS and in ASP.NET Ajax
  246. [CLOSED] [1.0] Combobox typeahead no longer sets the value to selected row when tabbing out of the combobox
  247. [CLOSED] [1.0] GridPanel RowEditor Plugin ValidateEdit problem
  248. [CLOSED] Gridpanel Row selection and total problem
  249. [CLOSED] [0.8.2] IE6 and Gzip
  250. [CLOSED] Row double click event on gridpanel