- [CLOSED] Ext.NET 5.0.0-preview now available
- [CLOSED] Ext.NET 5.0 has been released
- [CLOSED] FeedViewer Sample in MVC
- [CLOSED] Filtering buffered data in GridPanel with Infinitive Scrolling
- [CLOSED] TreeList Arrows(Expand and collapse) are not displaying expect Material and triton themes
- [CLOSED] Mvc.Ext.Net Collapsible Panel bug
- [CLOSED] Responsive design in mvc.ext.net 5
- [CLOSED] Dynamically adding
- [CLOSED] Collapse NavBar when it does not fit screen
- [CLOSED] Layout issue with Dataview
- [CLOSED] Issue with Dialog
- [CLOSED] How to display html from the model
- [CLOSED] License Issue with Partial View Action
- [CLOSED] Missing ClearButton in TextField and Combo
- [CLOSED] GridFIlters: ListFilter not working
- [CLOSED] How to add a commandcolumn when using GridPanelFor
- [CLOSED] How To set FitHeight=true for Columnlayout on codebehind?
- [CLOSED] Block Grid while RowEditing plugin visible
- [CLOSED] How to stop ReSorting in grid on cell edit.
- How to select one record out of 4 selected records and drag from one grid to sec grid (without un select of 3 records).
- [CLOSED] Changing the grid inline editor height in Material Theme
- [CLOSED] Google maps in Ext.Panel
- TreePanel Issue
- [CLOSED] PagingToolbar get PageIndex
- [CLOSED] X.IsIE missing
- [CLOSED] Checkbox always true in DirectMethod
- MenuSelected event gets called twice in 5.1
- InfiniteScroll grid with filterheader
- [CLOSED] Update gridpanel datasource from controller
- [CLOSED] Export data to excel in EXT NET MVC
- [CLOSED] Responsive design not updating
- [CLOSED] Config style pie chart
- Custom pie chart
- [CLOSED] Scroll to selected row in GridPanel
- [CLOSED] Running very long functions on CodeBehind
- [CLOSED] Converting displayed values to not show quote marks in TreePanel
- [CLOSED] Left and right buttons in the text field
- Reorder columns and apply filter in one call
- Persist column order in grid, during current session as well as in later sessions
- [CLOSED] Browser issue with migrated code
- [CLOSED] Item in toolbar is misaligned on first load using EXT 5
- [CLOSED] explorer error
- Tab close, doesn't show previous tabs
- Loss on EXT reference
- [CLOSED] Window fails to appear
- Navigation icons not visible, upgrading Ext.net 3.1 to Ext.Net 5.2
- Direct Event with IsUpload doesnt fire Success
- Filter icon is not removed after clearing filter in GridPanel
- [CLOSED] File upload fails on form.submit
- TabPanel - tabs content wrongly displayed if tab is not active during its filling
- Showing a window breaks multiple functionality on close
- [CLOSED] How to prevent quotes in NumberField
- Open Notepad or any standlone application from client machine
- How to change theme dynamically code behind or client side
- Tile the window in desktop control
- Icon Problem with Arabic Language
- Launch the Desktop Module
- Tile the window once page is ready
- Drag and drop the window after tiling
- [CLOSED] CartesianChart Bars Colors
- Mark GridPanel Store Dirty From Code Behind
- Problem loading extjs / packages / theme_neptune / IIS
- Add splitter between shortcut windows after tiling in desktop control
- Window Draggable set to false
- arrow in datetfield and combobox
- Need to display bigger Image
- Hide Window Header
- Styles do not work by referencing stylesheet
- Task Bar Hide/Show when mouse over like Accordion panel in Examples -Desktop control
- Grid Date Filter does not work after Grid reload (Ext.net 5.2)
- eliminating the caption on the task bar- Desktop Control
- Ext.NET 5.2.0 on .NET Framework 4.8
- Callout shows Behind Window
- [CLOSED] enable/disable editing for each column in Gridpanel
- Store Reload does not clear selections of related grid
- Tree List -Display the root as same Treepanel
- expand collapse group in gridpanel not working
- Resizing comlete Theme
- Cell Editing plugin - how navigate cells with enter and tab keys?
- Chat application with EXT
- [CLOSED] FieldSet layout
- [CLOSED] Focus selected row in Gridpanel
- [OPEN] [#1841] Problem with JSON serialization in direct method
- [CLOSED] apply css in docked summary
- [CLOSED] Delete new record in GridPanel
- [CLOSED] Hide -ContextMenu Tile and Cascade
- [CLOSED] EXT NET Documentation
- [CLOSED] Change background color of readonly field
- [CLOSED] specific words in the MaskRe
- EXT ComboBox - Items List options
- Hide drop down list
- [CLOSED] Store with Ajaxproxy hide mask
- Component column with multiple coponents
- Ext.axd icons sometimes not displayed
- [CLOSED] windows position of big windows
- [CLOSED] Reload buffered grid with scroll position and row selection restore
- Time Picker Zone
- [CLOSED] Desktop window close dynamically
- [CLOSED] Custom control with direct methods and remote validation
- [CLOSED] CustomSummaryType in DateColumn
- Display Value on Confirmation Prompt
- Error while generating NumberField dinamically: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'unselectable' of null'
- [CLOSED] bottom border color in textfield
- color de radio seleccionado
- [CLOSED] lines of the gridpanel rows
- Strange behavior of date serialization
- [CLOSED] FieldContainer - alignment of child components
- Tablet with external keyboard (with touchpad)
- Avoid execution of Select event from codebehind
- Custom attribute in editor
- [OPEN] [#1858] Problem pasting rows from Excel into a web grid ext.net version v5.2
- [CLOSED] Set Picker Date manually
- Labels are cut after opening new tab from Grid
- [CLOSED] grid column rendered and grid comman event
- Example site problem
- GridPanel - column reorder,width and hide columns
- [CLOSED] RadioGroup - isDirty evaluation
- replaceAll in RowExpander
- [CLOSED] Highlghting in tree filter
- [CLOSED] Select all records on the client paged grid
- Ext js error
- [CLOSED] Side Menu hidden
- [CLOSED] Grid with Paging Toolbar Dirty flag
- Excel Export date fields in UTC timezone after update to Ext.Net 5.2
- [CLOSED] Tab panel inside the nested grid
- Message box rendering behind the modal window
- [CLOSED] Custom functionality for Ext.Net.CheckColumn with HeaderCheckbox
- Frameset and Icon
- Drag and drop event for GridPanels
- how customize the message that appears when you hover over a date field
- Problem with client side grid and selection
- [CLOSED] Two tooltips one over the other
- [CLOSED] Store Add Filter
- Problem with removing records from grid
- [CLOSED] Image and AllowPan
- Timeout Store Reload
- [CLOSED] CalendarPanel and Timeformat
- [CLOSED] FitPanel in Desktop
- [OPEN] [#1866] Ext 5.x with Spotless Theme Variants
- [CLOSED] Ext 5.x with Spotless Theme - Applying Global UI
- [CLOSED] Grid column default sorting
- Tree panel filter
- [CLOSED] getting data from DisplayField in FormPanel
- [OPEN] [#1870] Stateful grid with cell editing - reconfiguration causes the cell editor to be destroyed
- [CLOSED] Async Store Load
- Resetting the FilterHeader Plugin Value
- [CLOSED] Error loading user controls
- [CLOSED] Panel Loader having Intermittent Failed Responses
- [CLOSED] Vertical Spacing between Container Items
- [CLOSED] Calendar Month View: expand link not displayed
- [CLOSED] Append File to Client Request
- [CLOSED] Custom combobox with Remote paging - Contiounously page loads
- [CLOSED] DropDownField Component as GridPanel - Issue with Expand and collpase
- [CLOSED] Page Proxy GridPanel paging
- Problem with state and command column on dynamic grid
- When browser tries to load Ext.axd file, status 500 occurs
- Custom HTTP header
- [CLOSED] master detail in ext.net
- Bug in statis direct methods?
- [CLOSED] Currency Field which works as autonumeric js
- [CLOSED] default setting for SubmitFormat in DateField (MVC)
- [CLOSED] Ext.net sending invalid json format
- [CLOSED] Filter by date range in grid panel
- [CLOSED] Issues with EXT.NET UI Library running behind Azure Application Gateway
- [CLOSED] CheckBox Group Not returning InputValue after updating from EXT 3.x to EXT 5.x
- [CLOSED] Form field which works like TemplateColumn in gridPanel
- [CLOSED] Update form field value dynamically
- [CLOSED] Get grid selected rows using CheckboxSelectionModel from client side
- [CLOSED] Grid plugin localization
- [CLOSED] grid with Infinite scroll throw error if it's inside form panel
- [CLOSED] Databinding with array
- https://examples5.ext.net/ does not work
- Problem with filtered grid and paging toolbar
- Can not access https://mvc5.ext.net/
- [CLOSED] Problem with StateFull grid dynamically loaded according datatable
- [CLOSED] Button Display Issue - TreePanel Buttons within a DropDownField used as a Grid Editor
- Callout - with newline
- Sub grid in ext.net
- Multiple editable grid with a single store
- Complex 2 way data binding
- Problem with adding records
- [CLOSED] Problem with checkbox selection
- Problem with custom http header
- Strange behavior of paging when deleting record
- Deleting record on non active page
- Scrolling large grid with components
- Performance problem with dynamically sized grid
- [CLOSED] data binding using bind function in ext.net for mvc
- [CLOSED] show / hide label in form panel using data bind
- [CLOSED] Scroll problem with the combobox with Custom Search
- Custom state provider problem
- [CLOSED] Problem with locked Column
- Custom state provider and grid with dynamic colums
- When using ext:DateField to submit to CS code in version 5.3.0, the time will be automatically reduced by 8 hours.
- [CLOSED] Locked Datagrid loses selection by DataBind
- [CLOSED] Ungrouped locked datagrid loses row height after databinding
- [CLOSED] Ungrouped datagrid scrolls after databinding and refresh
- [CLOSED] Display the label for the grouping grid over the entire area
- How can I read the filters
- [CLOSED] lockedGrid & CollapseAll
- The display of treepanel with version 4.8.3 is normal, but the display of treepanel with version 5.3.0 is not normal
- Datagrid & summary