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  1. [CLOSED] Question on spreadsheet selection model
  2. Install and Setup Guide for Visual Studio
  3. Forum Guidelines For Posting New Topics
  4. [CLOSED] migrate to EXT.NET 4
  5. [CLOSED] Compatability with ExtJS 6
  6. [CLOSED] Download EXT.NET book
  7. [CLOSED] ImageUrl Does not seem to be working
  8. [CLOSED] Form & Dialog Styles
  9. [CLOSED] 4.X SVN Repository URL
  10. [CLOSED] Javascript intellisense for extjs
  11. [CLOSED] GridPanel print problem with RowExpander
  12. [CLOSED] GridPanel rows color and striped at the same time
  13. [CLOSED] HideLabel doesn't work as expected
  14. [CLOSED] Are events' X and Y wrong inside windows?
  15. [CLOSED] SpreadSheet cell selection CSS
  16. [CLOSED] TreeColumn Locking gives error
  17. [CLOSED] Column - Setting Sortable(false) removes the column's menu.
  18. [CLOSED] Grid loader/spinner is not taking up space
  19. [CLOSED] GridPanel Error before editing
  20. [CLOSED] Callout bodyWidget not showing
  21. [CLOSED] Searchable combobx
  22. [CLOSED] CellLongPress
  23. [CLOSED] Paging Toolbar when filtering
  24. [CLOSED] What replaces the Javascript call "doLayout"
  25. [CLOSED] AddAfterClientInitScript not working
  26. [CLOSED] Toolbar with Menu issue
  27. [CLOSED] How to gridpanel RowSpan ?
  28. [CLOSED] How to use eachRow and eachCell in Ext.grid.selection.Cells ?
  29. [CLOSED] Ext.Net License Key not Recognized
  30. [CLOSED] http://examples4.ext.net/ error report.
  31. [CLOSED] Ext.TaskManager call fails to stop tasks
  32. [CLOSED] Ext.net Application Issue on IE9
  33. [CLOSED] Tab contents disappearing on changing active tab
  34. [CLOSED] Reply to thread: GridPanel with Row Editor Horizontal Scroll when RTL is true
  35. [CLOSED] 4.X How to theming
  36. [CLOSED] RenderSection to Ext.Net Control
  37. [CLOSED] Referencing controls on layout page in referencing view
  38. [CLOSED] RenderSection to Ext.Net Control
  39. [CLOSED] Original json data from store
  40. [CLOSED] Panels breaking after collapse or resize.
  41. [CLOSED] MVC: Combine .Items and .ItemsFromSection
  42. [CLOSED] Vertical Scrollbar disappears in Version 4.1 of Ext.Net
  43. [CLOSED] How to Render Ext.NET controls on Bootstrap modal popup using PartialViewResult
  44. [CLOSED] GridPanel auto row height?
  45. [CLOSED] How to Render Ext.NET controls on Bootstrap modal popup using PartialViewResult
  46. [CLOSED] Scroll bar appeard on buttons' tooltips
  47. [CLOSED] Data Grid vertical scroll problem on Chrome
  48. [CLOSED] From V2 to V4, performance
  49. [CLOSED] Group Tab Panel or vertical tab panel with horizontal text
  50. [CLOSED] Copy text from pages
  51. [CLOSED] How change height TextField
  52. [CLOSED] Call from javascript to Action in Controller
  53. [CLOSED] Confirm message box buttons text and title alignment
  54. [CLOSED] change the Ext.Msg alignment (RTL or LTR ) of the title
  55. [CLOSED] Issue with validate change on nested grid panel
  56. [CLOSED] reload combobox's store from controller action on click of combobox
  57. Gridpanel Filters issue after refresh
  58. [CLOSED] Add a Map in an expander's table
  59. [CLOSED] Dynamic paging
  60. [CLOSED] GridPanel RTL Column Resize Problem
  61. [CLOSED] Copy & paste from Excel file
  62. [CLOSED] Font Icons with Crisp Theme
  63. [CLOSED] Ext.Net Entries in "Head Tag"
  64. [CLOSED] Lost RowNumbers
  65. [CLOSED] Error License Key web config.
  66. [CLOSED] Question about binding in js
  67. [CLOSED] Open popup from grid in IE11
  68. [CLOSED] Sorting does not work after adding Buffered in GridPanel
  69. [CLOSED] setSelectedItems on ext:MultiSelect does not work
  70. [CLOSED] trigger config combobox not able to set iconcls
  71. [CLOSED] Window loses focus when reading hidden field from another window (IE Only)
  72. [CLOSED] Issues with Editable GridPanel on PartialView when rendered using Container.Content
  73. [CLOSED] GridPanel: Cannot update record in JS when a GroupCommand is present
  74. [CLOSED] Tree ItemClick node isExpanded() strange
  75. [CLOSED] Get the Value of a CheckColumn in Code Behind
  76. [CLOSED] livesearch + locked columns
  77. [CLOSED] DirectMethod timeout issue.
  78. [CLOSED] "Standalone" Store
  79. [CLOSED] RowExpander (bug?) the expanded body aligned to 3rd column.
  80. [CLOSED] Image is cutoff on page load
  81. [CLOSED] Not able to reference childgrid inside main grid
  82. [CLOSED] Issue with TimeField with update Ext.net from 2.5 to 4.1
  83. [CLOSED] 4.1 ComponentView Editing edit button and combo box store issue
  84. [CLOSED] Issue with Export to Excel in GridPanel
  85. [CLOSED] Close eventmask when file is downloaded using DirectEvent
  86. [CLOSED] Override UsMoney renderer to show negative number in brackets
  87. [CLOSED] fileuploadfield Button CLS
  88. [CLOSED] Changing the ImageCommand Icon for just one row in the Gridpanel
  89. [CLOSED] Bug in TabPanel - Messed up by tab-visibility.
  90. [CLOSED] 4.1.0 - Ext.data.field.Field.validation function ignores input parameters
  91. [CLOSED] Header of grid added via ExtJS to a markup panel, not showing
  92. [CLOSED] Align Ext.msg.info ?
  93. [CLOSED] ComboBox, Clear TriggerButton
  94. [CLOSED] Import Excel to DataGrid
  95. [CLOSED] spreadsheet selection model pasted rows detection when pasting
  96. [CLOSED] How to increase the waiting time on grid FilterHeader
  97. [CLOSED] Grid FilterHeader -- too many calls to the custom function
  98. [OPEN] [#1366] ListFilter sorting for GridFilters plugin
  99. [CLOSED] Problem with Checkbox Selection in GridPanel
  100. [CLOSED] Background Notifications
  101. [CLOSED] Layout auto - rearange
  102. [CLOSED] Loader Performance in IE
  103. [CLOSED] Mandatory fields expand when not filled correctly
  104. [CLOSED] Add new row in Grid with modal dialog
  105. [CLOSED] Drag Drop to Grid from DataView.
  106. [CLOSED] Button Menu in Toolbar shown behind PDF Viewer
  107. [CLOSED] Spreadsheet with row number enabled -- grouping header display issue
  108. [CLOSED] ComboBox Custom template for EXT 4 MVC
  109. [CLOSED] AutoFitErrors="false" for all FormPanels in a page ?
  110. [CLOSED] Mandatory fields in FormPanel expand when with specified Width and IndicatorText declared
  111. [CLOSED] .ToScript() for short-version definition fragment?
  112. [CLOSED] Panel - ComponentLoader - frame is loading TWICE - Strange behaviour / BUG?
  113. [CLOSED] TabPanel - ActiveIndex - Not working
  114. [CLOSED] Blank values of DateField not submitted
  115. [CLOSED] Add a custom theme Ext.js to Ext.Net
  116. [CLOSED] Vertical Text in EXT.NET Label
  117. [CLOSED] How to add more listeners to a component?
  118. [CLOSED] Migrating from Ext.net 2.5 to Ext.net 4.1: ImageCommandColumn
  119. [CLOSED] Migrating from Ext.net 2.5 to Ext.net 4.1: GridPanel, CellDblClick
  120. [CLOSED] horizontale scroll in gridpanel when viewport RTL true
  121. [CLOSED] IFrame alternative using partial view
  122. [CLOSED] Grid Rowexpander with checkbox
  123. [CLOSED] GridPanel render order of RowExpander and chkboxes of CheckboxSelModel interchanged in ExtNet 4 comapred to ExtNet 2
  124. [CLOSED] file uploader
  125. [CLOSED] Label width in form-layout
  126. [CLOSED] TextArea, Past from Excel
  127. [CLOSED] GridCommand Style
  128. [CLOSED] Model binding to store
  129. [CLOSED] Tab Panels are Not visible on some PC's
  130. [CLOSED] Issue with Store.loadData method - Refreshing GridPanel
  131. [CLOSED] responsiveconfig reliable?
  132. [CLOSED] custom infopanelqueue mvc
  133. [CLOSED] Window with loader not resizing after render!
  134. [CLOSED] Drag and drop broken from 2.5 to 4.1
  135. [CLOSED] Error Message When trying to Use Ext.Net Source Code
  136. [CLOSED] Menu fireEvent
  137. [CLOSED] Animated tabPanel
  138. [CLOSED] Issue with Rendering GridPanel with Headers on Container as Popup
  139. [CLOSED] TreePanel selection behaviour
  140. [CLOSED] 3D pie chart: rotate & itemclick (IE vs. Firefox)
  141. [CLOSED] Grid panel getEditor.
  142. [CLOSED] How to use the root path '/' when loading a widget?
  143. [CLOSED] Form field indicatior
  144. [CLOSED] Color field issues
  145. [CLOSED] Status Bar with Integrated Form Validation Troubles
  146. [CLOSED] Basic TabPanel Troubles
  147. [CLOSED] Chart legend tooltip
  148. [CLOSED] how can i define that first digit is optional ??
  149. [CLOSED] it is possible to implement "InputMask" dynamically ??
  150. [CLOSED] When using format on datefield server reads wrong value
  151. [CLOSED] Custom control extending DropDownField IE/Firefox
  152. [CLOSED] Using XML instead of JSON
  153. [CLOSED] Desktop module does not work when added dynamically
  154. [CLOSED] FileFileUploadField validate file size before uploading it
  155. [CLOSED] Cloning store or executing store proxy without modifying store data
  156. [CLOSED] Status Bar with Troubles
  157. [CLOSED] CardLayout and Ext.getCmp
  158. [CLOSED] TreeGrid - make cell read-only based on condition
  159. [OPEN] [#1391] [4.1.0] Compiler warnings when building Ext.NET
  160. [CLOSED] How to have a dynamic validation embedded in a Textfield ??
  161. [CLOSED] Combobox with forceselection allow null
  162. [CLOSED] Dynamic desktop shortcuts
  163. [CLOSED] Get GridPanel to AutoResize Vertically and lock PagingToolbar at bottom of Parent Container
  164. [CLOSED] MVC combo remove validation syntax
  165. [CLOSED] D3 Adapter, ext js 6.2
  166. [CLOSED] Reusing partial view multiple time on parent page
  167. [CLOSED] unlicensed message
  168. [CLOSED] Hide Empty Tooltips Globally
  169. [CLOSED] Exception: Error during ClientConfig initialization
  170. [CLOSED] MultiCombo
  171. [CLOSED] Two gridpanel scroll together
  172. [CLOSED] Adding Store to Root Level of page in code behind
  173. [CLOSED] Automatically update page number in PagingToolbar
  174. [CLOSED] Ext 4.2 release
  175. [CLOSED] Export to XLSX
  176. [CLOSED] Grid Paging Toolbar and Local paging with Remote Data
  177. [CLOSED] Grid - Row Commands doesn't render for some rows when scrolling too fast
  178. [CLOSED] Grid Event After Store Data is loaded
  179. [CLOSED] Printing from TreeGrid
  180. [CLOSED] Windows 2003 Server - Error Issues 4.1
  181. [CLOSED] Modifying Neptune Theme
  182. [CLOSED] Ext.Net is not working when deploy to IIS
  183. [CLOSED] Handling TAB event in GridPanel, getting certain record value and setting the selected record.
  184. [CLOSED] Get text from paging
  185. [CLOSED] Issue with navigating through the menu
  186. [CLOSED] GridPanel CheckBoxSelectionModel highlighting selected rows
  187. [CLOSED] Type 'Ext.Net.DateColumn' does not have a public property named 'HeaderItems'.
  188. [CLOSED] CartesianChart not showing
  189. [CLOSED] Gridpanel rows displayed in a tabpanel in content area not refreshing upon switching tabs in IE
  190. [CLOSED] Multiple File Upload
  191. [CLOSED] Add field to Multiupload Grid
  192. [CLOSED] UserControlLoader handling events define in User Control
  193. [CLOSED] Field in GridPanel's field loses its value after change and click in another field
  194. [CLOSED] Conditionally Render Ext.Net object only if it does not already exist.
  195. [CLOSED] LAYOUT: Render CodeBehind in <ViewPort> <Items>
  196. [CLOSED] series renderer problems by store reload
  197. [CLOSED] Row Expander with inner grid - render inner grid's row from database
  198. [CLOSED] OnReadData not firing in Grid
  199. [CLOSED] Row expander with inner grid - Not expanding the first time
  200. [CLOSED] Upgrade from version 3 to version 4 page get error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
  201. [CLOSED] Is it possible that the displayed calendar corresponds to the min/max date defined?
  202. [CLOSED] Changes in overriding css styles 2.x to 4.x
  203. [CLOSED] 2.x to 4.x upgrade, using the default font, sizes etc. from 2.x
  204. [CLOSED] Examples explorer theme switching does not work
  205. [CLOSED] Expand GridPanel when collapse another GridPanel
  206. [CLOSED] Overriding x-tab-focus to remove dotted border when selected
  207. [CLOSED] Glyph property not herited by ActionRef controls
  208. [CLOSED] There are problem with mobile browsers?
  209. [CLOSED] Change Source code and take new Ext.net dll Ext.Net 4.2
  210. [CLOSED] RectangleSprite height is cut off in cartesian chart
  211. [CLOSED] http://localhost:7031/extjs/resources/images/crisp/toolbar/bg.gif 404 (Not Found)
  212. [CLOSED] Upgrading Ext.Net 2.5.3 to 4.2 having ext.axd issues
  213. [OPEN] [#1439] [4.2.0] C# MVC UI under Aria Theme will cause WebResource.axd, The resource cannot be found error
  214. [CLOSED] Note Property causing UI issues
  215. [CLOSED] Undefined control after migration from 3.X to 4.2
  216. [CLOSED] Generate Script from Aspx
  217. [CLOSED] Problem in Tree Filter
  218. [CLOSED] Page get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addCls' of undefined when view page in IPad
  219. [CLOSED] Image will be cut off under chrome browser
  220. [CLOSED] Pass parameter to ashx page
  221. [CLOSED] Renew Premium Support
  222. [CLOSED] Export To Excel with multiple sheets from Stored Procedure
  223. [CLOSED] "Note" attribute on multiple form elements cause rendering issue in Chrome on v4.2.0 and 4.1.0
  224. [CLOSED] Change cell background color in a grid
  225. [CLOSED] Gridpanel change page size problem
  226. [CLOSED] grid.GetView() is not a function - Update Grid Row
  227. [CLOSED] enabling Content-Security-Policy causes errors in loading scripts
  228. [CLOSED] Asynchronous execution of Stored Procedure
  229. [CLOSED] ReCaptcha Example
  230. [CLOSED] Datecolumn: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'System.String'
  231. [CLOSED] Combobox BindStore remove filter functionality
  232. [CLOSED] Highcharts support in Version 4 upgrade
  233. [CLOSED] Javascript call to open a new window
  234. [CLOSED] TreeList in Ext.NET
  235. [CLOSED] String value interpreted as ID
  236. [CLOSED] Deferred loading panel
  237. [CLOSED] Load Textfields in formpanel from Store in Window
  238. [CLOSED] Over Row Commands Show/Hide on mobile
  239. [CLOSED] DragEnd event in TreeViewDragDrop plugin
  240. [CLOSED] Layout stretching panels and grid panels vertically and horizontally to fill browser window
  241. [CLOSED] Center align content when using MVC Layout page with ContentFromSection OR @RenderBody
  242. [CLOSED] RadioGroup stop working!
  243. [CLOSED] Set minimum bar width in Cartesian Chart
  244. [CLOSED] 4.2 : Invalid regular expression flags error using filterHeader & Livesearch plugins
  245. [CLOSED] Category Axis Vertical Direction Text Support
  246. [CLOSED] ChartLabel.RotationDegrees Not Work
  247. [CLOSED] Is Ext.NET conflict with glimpse?
  248. [CLOSED] relay events usage example
  249. [CLOSED] Using ContentPlaceHolder will Makes "The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted" Exception
  250. [CLOSED] How can I filter a GridPanel that has a mapped editor field?