Hi Everyone,

Perhaps this is something easy, but I haven't been able to find an answer yet. My site is looking good with IE, however, in Firefox, when I make some simple Ajax Web Service calls for some HTML content, they are successful but limited to 4096 characters...whereas IE is unaffected. FF truncates my content to 4096. When I look at Firebug, it appears as though the full text/html content is coming back to the client, so maybe it's the coolite method "selectValue"?

function onUpdateNewsFeedsSuccess(result)


var strResult=Ext.DomQuery.selectValue("string", result, "");


if (strResult!=""){

var elem;

if (strResult.indexOf("|~|")!=-1)


var resultParts = strResult.split("|~|");
var sentMode = resultParts[0];
var content = resultParts[1];

if (sentMode.toUpperCase()==activeMode.toUpperCase())

var newsFeedsPanel = Ext.getCmp("ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_NewsFeedsTab");


