[CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event


    I'm following the below post:


    However my values are not static and according to a value I have to load the values of this button menu control again.

    How can I do that?

    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Jan 19, 2011 at 5:24 AM.
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event

    Hi Gokce,

    Please post a simplified .aspx sample demonstrating how you currently have the component configured.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event


    Basically I'm doing the following. I have to repopulate the category menu according to the selected company. I can do it in the page load if the event's (SelectCompany_Click) AutoPostBack property is set to true. However is there any way to make in the ajax event without post back?


    <script type="text/javascript">
        var updateCategoryText=function(item,checked) {
            var text=[];
            item.parentMenu.items.each(function(item) {
                if(item.checked) {
            if(text.length==0) {
                <%= btnCategory.ClientID %>.setText("Select Categories");
            } else {
                <%= btnCategory.ClientID %>.setText(text.join(","));
    <style type="text/css">
        .checked-button .x-btn-center{
            text-align:left !important;
    <ext:Store runat="server" ID="store1">
                    <ext:RecordField Name="clmn11" />
    <ext:BorderLayout runat="server" ID="pageBorderLayout">
        <North MarginsSummary="0 5 5 5">
        <ext:Panel ID="searchPanel" runat="server" 
        Border="false" HideBorders="true" AutoHeight="true" BodyStyle="padding:5px;" Frame="true" Collapsible="true" 
        Title="Browse Company" Icon="Magnifier">
            <ext:Panel ID="searchOptionsPanel" runat="server" Border="false" HideBorders="true">
                    <ext:FormLayout ID="formSearchOptions" runat="server" LabelWidth="150">
                        <ext:MultiField runat="server" FieldLabel="Company Info">
                            <ext:TextField ID="txtCompanyHostId" runat="server" Width="200" Note="Company Id" />
                            <ext:TextField ID="txtCompanyStructureId" runat="server" Width="200" Note="Structure Id" />
                            <ext:LinkButton runat="server" Text="Select Company" AutoPostBack="true">
                                    <Click OnEvent="SelectCompany_Click" />
                            <ext:MultiField runat="server" FieldLabel="Categories">
                                <ext:Button ID="btnCategory" runat="server" Text="Select Categories" MinWidth="200" CtCls="checked-button">
                                        <ext:Menu ID="menuCategory" runat="server" Width="200">   
                    <ext:Button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="Browse" Icon="Magnifier" CausesValidation="true" Type="Submit">
                            <Click OnEvent="Browse_OnClick">
                                <EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Loading ..." />
        <Center MarginsSummary="0 5 0 5">
            <ext:Panel ID="centerPanel" runat="server" Frame="true">
                    <ext:Accordion ID="centerAccordionLayout" runat="server">
                        <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="grid1" StoreID="store1" Header="true" Title="Names" Collapsed="true" Icon="Group">
                            <ColumnModel runat="server" ID="listColumnModel1">
                                    <ext:Column ColumnID="clmn11" Header="clmn11" DataIndex="clmn11" />
    protected void Browse_OnClick(object sender, Coolite.Ext.Web.AjaxEventArgs e)
        // some code
    protected void SelectCompany_Click(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCompanyHostId.Text.Trim()))
                System.Collections.Generic.List<Entity.CodeValue> categories = Data.Category.Get_HostIDsByCompanyHostID(txtCompanyHostId.Text.Trim(), txtCompanyStructureId.Text.Trim());
                foreach (Truvo.Web.ContentManagement.Entity.CodeValue category in categories)
                    Coolite.Ext.Web.CheckMenuItem item = new Coolite.Ext.Web.CheckMenuItem();
                    item.Text = category.Description;
                    item.Checked = false;
                    item.CheckHandler = "updateCategoryText";
                    item.Width = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit(200);
                    item.Attributes.Add("key", category.Code);
                    item.HideOnClick = false;
  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event


    At this moment you can add new items via javascript only

         Button1.menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({
              text: 'text',
              checked: false,
              checkHandler: myHandler,
              hideOnClick: false
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event

    Just a quick note here... adding Menu items from code-behind during an AjaxEvent will be possible with the upcoming v1.0 release.

    Geoffrey McGill
  6. #6

    RE: [CLOSED] Adding menu items with Ajax Event

    Thanks for information. I'd like to ask if you have a scheduled date for version 1.0? It's important for us to make a schedule in our applications for enhancements and improvements. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  7. #7
    Any news on this issue?
    I'm trying the same thing, adding the items but i can't see them in the menu.
    I've also tried using DataBind or Update methods on the menu control, but nothing.
  8. #8

    Here is an example.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Add(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            Ext.Net.MenuItem item = new Ext.Net.MenuItem()
                Text = "Dynamic item",
                Icon = Icon.Add
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.Net Example</title>
        <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
        <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Menu">
                <ext:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
                        <ext:MenuItem Text="Static item" Icon="Add" />
        <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Add" OnDirectClick="Add" />
  9. #9
    Thanks Daniil!

    Your example works, but if i try to add a checkmenuitem (not a menu item), with a checkHandler i get a javascript error.
  10. #10
    Please provide a sample.

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