DblClick event firing on expand/collapse of TreeNode

  1. #1

    DblClick event firing on expand/collapse of TreeNode

    If you expand and collapse a TreeNode in succession, it triggers the DblClick event. I don't think this should be the case as the DblClick even should only fire when double clicking on an actual node. The problem this apparent bug creates is that when clicking only on the expand/collapse button, it doesn't select the node, but this bug is allowing the DblClick to act as if you're on a node, when in fact, you are not. Is there anyway to prevent DblClick from firing when clicking only on the expand/collapse button? I can't really wait until the next version for this so a temporary fix would be appreciated.
  2. #2

    RE: DblClick event firing on expand/collapse of TreeNode

    I think this has more to do with how the browser determines what is a "double-click". The nodes would just be subscribing to the browsers double-click event on the elements.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: DblClick event firing on expand/collapse of TreeNode

    But I think the point is that the node button should not even provide for a double-click event as there would be no practical application. Only the node text should have a double-click event. Isn't this possible for you to implement? The current behavior is not good because if you have a legitimate need for responding to a double-click event on the node text, like popping up another screen, you don't want that to happen if the user is simply expanding or collapsing the node.

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