[CLOSED] Set chart axes min and mix value from code behind

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Set chart axes min and mix value from code behind


    I defined a chart with the following markup. It works fine. How can I set ext:GauseAxis 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' values from code behind?

                                                <ext:Chart ID="MyChart" runat="server" StyleSpec="background:#fff;" InsetPadding="25" Flex="1" StoreID="MyStore">
                                                    <AnimateConfig Easing="ElasticIn" Duration="1000" />
                                                        <ext:GaugeAxis Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Steps="10" Margin="-10" />
                                                        <ext:GaugeSeries AngleField="Data1" Donut="0" ColorSet="#F49D10,#ddd" />
    I came to the point below (;

    MyChart.Axes.ElementAt(0) ... ?
    Last edited by Daniil; Mar 14, 2013 at 9:49 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    I'm not sure that I've understood you correctly. However, to set Maximum and Minimum you can the following approach:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        public List<object> Values = new List<object>
                            Name = "1",
                            Data1 = 30
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server"  />
        <ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Gauge Charts" Width="300" Height="250" Layout="Fit">
                <ext:Chart ID="Chart2" runat="server" Animate="true" StyleSpec="background:#fff;"
                        <ext:Store runat="server" Data="<%# Values %>" AutoDataBind="true">
                                <ext:Model runat="server">
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Name" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Data1" />
                        <ext:GaugeAxis Minimum="10" Maximum="50" Steps="4"  Title="Title">
                        <ext:GaugeSeries AngleField="Data1" Donut="30" ColorSet="#82B525,#ddd">
  3. #3

    Yes I am aware that I can set them like you wrote (already set in my example code). The problem is that minimum and maximum values are not static and I need to set them in code behind (C#) depending on the data set being used.

    Let's say below is the defualt min and max values. I need to change min and max values in page load if necessary.

                        <ext:GaugeAxis Minimum="10" Maximum="50" Steps="4"  Title="Title">
    Quote Originally Posted by Baidaly View Post

    I'm not sure that I've understood you correctly. However, to set Maximum and Minimum you can the following approach:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        public List<object> Values = new List<object>
                            Name = "1",
                            Data1 = 30
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server"  />
        <ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Gauge Charts" Width="300" Height="250" Layout="Fit">
                <ext:Chart ID="Chart2" runat="server" Animate="true" StyleSpec="background:#fff;"
                        <ext:Store runat="server" Data="<%# Values %>" AutoDataBind="true">
                                <ext:Model runat="server">
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Name" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Data1" />
                        <ext:GaugeAxis Minimum="10" Maximum="50" Steps="4"  Title="Title">
                        <ext:GaugeSeries AngleField="Data1" Donut="30" ColorSet="#82B525,#ddd">
  4. #4
    Sorry, don't quite understand you. But I think you need something like this:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            (Chart2.Axes[0] as GaugeAxis).Minimum = 10;
            (Chart2.Axes[0] as GaugeAxis).Maximum = 50;
        public List<object> Values = new List<object>
                    Name = "1",
                    Data1 = 30
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
        <ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Gauge Charts" Width="300" Height="250" Layout="Fit">
                <ext:Chart ID="Chart2" runat="server" Animate="true" StyleSpec="background:#fff;"
                        <ext:Store runat="server" Data="<%# Values %>" AutoDataBind="true">
                                <ext:Model runat="server">
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Name" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Data1" />
                        <ext:GaugeAxis Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Steps="4" Title="Title">
                        <ext:GaugeSeries AngleField="Data1" Donut="30" ColorSet="#82B525,#ddd">
    Last edited by Baidaly; Mar 10, 2013 at 10:23 PM.
  5. #5
    It is clear that you did not understand me (;
    The example you provided has nothing to do with setting "Chart Axis" minimum and maximum values before page load. Did I miss a line of code in your example?

    Anyway, I found a solution like this:

    Chart markup:
    <ext:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" StyleSpec="background:#fff;" InsetPadding="25" Flex="1" StoreID="MyStore" >
        <AnimateConfig Easing="ElasticIn" Duration="1000"  />
            <ext:GaugeAxis AxisID="MyAxis" Steps="10" Margin="-10" Title="My Value">
                    <ext:ConfigItem Name="minimum" Value="0" Mode="Raw"></ext:ConfigItem>
                    <ext:ConfigItem Name="maximum" Value="100" Mode="Raw"></ext:ConfigItem>                                                            
            <ext:GaugeSeries AngleField="Data1" Donut="0" ColorSet="#F49D10,#eee">
    Adding sript during page load to re-set minimum and maximum values for axis based on a specific condition:

                MyChart.AddScript("App.MyChart.axes.items[0].minimum=" + MinFromDB+ ";");
                MyChart.AddScript("App.MyChart.axes.items[0].maximum=" + MaxFromDB+ ";");
    I had asked if it is possible to replace below code with pure C# by accessing MyChart object. Is it clear now?

  6. #6
    Sorry, my bad. I fixed it. Please, take a look: http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...l=1#post104320

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