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Type: Posts; User: sedgar

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  1. For now i created another dirty decision to fix columns resizing, maybe for somebody will be usefull

    Ext.override(Ext.grid.GroupingView, {
  2. Sorry, forgot to specify that I use previous version of Ext.NET and can't use last one for now
  3. Columns resize in not working properly when I use HeaderGroupRows in Grid with GroupingSummary columns.
    Seems like cells width for GroupingSummary rows does not recalculating

    <%@ Page...
  4. RowExpander Plugin seems to be similar for this but not a same as we need.
    Expanded rows should have exactly same columns layout/structure, is it possible ?
  5. Thanks you a lot, now it clear :)
  6. But I needed Complex there. The question is what sense to generate same copy of a table for each row in that table?
    If my grid have 50 rows then 50 same copy tables will be generated and added to...
  7. Hi

    I have a several grids on my page, each grid have about 50 rows, as result size of my page with layout about 2 mb

    My GridPanel

    <ext:GridPanel ID="extGrid" ClientIDMode="Predictable"...
  8. My Version of Ext.Net is 1.0.4093.32349

    According to this doc
    I set appropriate property Css to testCssClass of Column item in...
  9. For my grid I want set css class for some columns to have it with custom background color and font size.
    I did it with ColumnID Property and by js code for parsing grid metadata and columns...
  10. Will try to reuse the topic.

    My grid placed inside update panel (UP1), page contain another one update panel (UP2) with button 'Reload'.
    In case when grid sorted at client side by colum header...
  11. Resolution found

    function getDashboardHelp(evtObj, argsObj) {
    return false;

    argsObj: Object
  12. Hi , can anyone help with getting arguments for DashboardToolbarButton, defined at server side ?

    DashboardToolbarButton btnHelp = new DashboardToolbarButton("btnHelp")
  13. The same problem, my grid inside panel, panel width adjusted well but grid is not, last columns missed under panel.
  14. My code:

    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
    <ext:multiselect runat="server" ID="mlslFilter" AutoDataBind="true" ...
  15. Have an problems with updating grid inside UpdatePanel, I know its possible to do with JS but my goal is to initiate grid updating from server side on async postback initiated from another...
Results 1 to 15 of 15