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Type: Posts; User: nysyzp

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  1. In the Asp,the OpenFileDialog or the SaveFileDialog , we can filte the file type,

    Is there one of property or function in the FileUploadField control to get the same result.such can use the...
  2. At server :

    Ext.Net.Image lv_ImageView = new Ext.Net.Image();
    lv_ImageView.ID = TCMUtility.GuidToControlID(formField.SYSID,"Image");
  3. I have get ,Just set url :

    lv_ImageView.ImageUrl ="./ImageFiles/Error.jpg" ; "./" not "~/"
  4. In server side :

    Ext.Net.Image lv_ImageView = new Ext.Net.Image();
    lv_ImageView.X = 300;
    lv_ImageView.Y = 300; ...
  5. TKS ,take it success!

    Please CLOSE it !! TKS again!
  6. How to get the FileUploadField fullpath in code behind use it's ID ,I take "
    X.GetCmp<FileUploadField>(ID).HasFile " is always null !

    In code behind ,I dynamic create FileUploadField :

  7. I get it the same problem as his .

    The function MapPath(FileUploadField1.FileName) just get the current project's location add the FileUploadField1.FileName,not
    the ...
  8. This is solve it at front page , But how to take it at backgroud ???

    May be could take it as this :

    Ext.Net.Container lv_Container = new Container();
  9. Thank you very much !!

    I take it first function success follow yours !!! Please take it CLOSE !

    Best regards !!
  10. TKS !!

     I want to change TextField value but I Just know it's FieldLbel or ID in other DierectEvent or other Event ??

    How to take it !!
  11. public void createTextField( )
    Ext.Net.TextField text = new Ext.Net.TextField();
    text.ID = "Field1231";
  12. Thank you very much !

    I take it successfully follow yours!
  13. Sorry!

    Let me ask you use another way!

    If I do it at client :

    <ext:Store ID="stoControlInfo" runat="server" GroupDir="ASC">
  14. Thank you very much for you reply!

    The data is Ok and could show normally ,I just want one column's data convert to another format when GridPanel load ,for example ,the...
  15. Hi ,guys ! I have three problems :
    (1)How to translate data to another , just like ,I want to show "02" at Gridpanel but the datasource's data is "2"!
    Maybe I need to explain...
Results 1 to 15 of 15