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Type: Posts; User: maxoptimus

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    looks like clear cache not needed;
    not sure maybe it's possible to reproduce in some another ways too
  2. - close example page
    - at FX use tools->clear caches
    - at FX use tools->clear history (Ctrl+Shift+Del) -> check cashe and press 'clear now'

    - use search textbox (i.e. type 'test' remove last...
  3. Open examples first time!!! (or clear caches and history->cache, etc)

    FX show at console errors:

    error: TypeError: g is undefined
  4. <View>
    <ext:GridView style="overflow-y:auto;"/>
    in such way vertical scroll work correct
  5. this work for me fine

    <ext:GridView style="width:100%"/>
  6. - add latest version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll; (and fix some errors related to jSON reader, etc; add null in the end if method expected more arguments, etc)
    - under Coolite.Ext.Web AssemblyInfo.cs add...
  7. call .center();
    befor .show();


    work fine for me
  8. it will show info alert message (can be used error, warning, etc)...

    ExtNet.Msg.Show(New MessageBoxConfig() With { _
    .Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, _
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