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Type: Posts; User: sadeque

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  1. Somehow i got the solution.

    object DesignationID = e.Record.FirstChild.InnerText.ToString();
  2. Please help me.

    how can i get the deleted rows data before delete it?
  3. #{GridPanel1}.deleteSelected();

    is there any method fires after above code run?

    protected void Store1_BeforeRecordUpdated(object sender, BeforeRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
  4. Hi,

    When click on delete buton i think it should call the Store1_BeforeRecordDeleted() method. but this method is not firing.
  5. I got where i did wrong.
  6. Hi,

    See the below code.

    protected void Store1_BeforeRecordUpdated(object sender, BeforeRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
    object DesignationID =...
  7. Got the solution.

    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO DesignationInfo
  8. hi,

    one of my table has primary key column as guid. so how can i use insert guid value through grid panel. i use the following code but its not working.

    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO...
  9. Thanks peter.

    It works.
  10. <ext:Column ColumnID="Employee" Header="Full Name" DataIndex="LastName" Sortable="true">
    <Renderer Handler="return ''['LastName']+','['FirstName']" /> ...
  11. this.message = "Designation cannot be blank.";

    if i use this code at Store1_BeforeRecordInserted then this message comes twice.

    if i block the following code then it comes once, nut not in...
  12. Hi,

    Is any easy way to know, how the data is saved from datagrid to sql server. like: datagrid >> Store >> sqldatasource.

    another question is:

    How can i know that each events of store and...
  13. GR8.

    It works.

    Many Many Thanks.
  14. I used the following code. but not working---

    <ext:Column DataIndex="bInUseReport" Header="Report" Align="Center" Width="50">
    <ext:CheckboxColumn ID="CheckBoxColumn1"...
  15. How can i show checkbox in datagrid instead of true/false?
  16. <ext:Column DataIndex="bDefault" Header="bDefault" Align="Center">
    <ext:Checkbox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server"/>

    when i use this code then its only shows...
  17. Hi Richardt,

    I used iOrderBy column to show the menu order by. Like:

    Menu Name Order By
    =================== ==========
    Personal Information ...
  18. Hi Richardt,

    I am writing step by step wise. Please follow it:

    Step:1 -- Create Table In Database

    create table as MENU by using following column

    Column Name
  19. Hi,

    How can i create a window which will open outside parent window.
  20. Hi,

    I am using desktop concept for reporting purpose. I am trying to show crystal report in a panel by using parametrized query. But its not showing when i click the preview button. See the...
  21. Hi,

    When i open a window and close it, then next time i open the window it remain same. But i want to refresh the window when i reopen it. is there way to clear memory when i press the close...
  22. Hi,

    use combobox.SelectedItem.Value.ToString().
  23. I have a table in sql server database. It contains more then 1000 rows. I want to show that data in a combobox. I did the following coding to show the data.

  24. Hi,

    How can i update the UpdatePanel?
  25. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="DailyAttendance.aspx.cs" Inherits="HRIS.Restricted.Report.DailyAttendance" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Coolite.Ext.Web"...
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