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Type: Posts; User: govind

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  1. Hi, Thanks for the suggestion it is working perfectly.
  2. Hello,
    When we search item combo box by typing and selecting desire item, then we found that it will not select next item when we change the combo box value from direct-event. However if we select...
  3. Hi just one correction in the method, as assigning value to comboBox.SelectedItem.Value does not update comboBox.Value (both may be having different backing fields).

    public void...
  4. @timiteh Thanks this works for me also but only in page_load event, not inside in any direct events (post back), so I ended up with this method that works for me in both cases (page_load and direct...
  5. Hello All,
    Simple thing but I could not make it work. Please help. I bind CombBox data on Page_load with list of entities having Id Property value of type Guid. Data is displayed and retrieved...
  6. Thanks Vladimir perfect

  7. Hello Ext.Net,
    We are unable to setup DateField "AltFormats" and "Format" in the code-behind (page load event) which results in empty date on direct events. However this problem is not appearing if...
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