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Type: Posts; User: userext

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  1. please help...
    it is force for me
  2. any help??
  3. Hi, sorry my english is poor
    I am using Ext.Net 4.2.2 Version. I can not set RTL in Desktop.


  4. is there an Ext JS 4 carousel component?i see a carousel component in Touch Sencha Docs. i want to create a carousel for images in extjs similar to Touch Sencha. please quickly help me. i need it...
  5. hi,
    i have a checkbox grid with paging toolbar.

    when i select a few rows on page 1,and then go to page 2, selected rows on page 1 are deselected.
    what do i do?

    i use mvc 2.0
  6. Is there any way to resolve my problem?

    can't I hide root in view with rootVisible=false?

    please help
  7. I'm sorry, it was my mistake,

    when i use C#, root is invisible(without error)
    but, how can I hide root in view(when use extjs)?

  8. thanks,

    in above code, just one node will be added(last node) to tree panel.
  9. hi, thanks

    for (var r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
    var tree = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
    width: 400,
    height: 400,
  10. I created a dynamic tree panel, but i can't hide the root of the tree. When rootVisible=false in tree panel, the root is invisible, but status code 200 is shown.

    when I use following code:

  11. oh YES!! this work, in this case accordion work correctly.

    tnx for reply very very much.
  12. thanks a lot fabricio.murta
    I'm sorry for my questions.
    I did your suggestion, but my problem is not resolved.

    after run:


    but first treepanel does not work. click on 24419 in first...
  13. thank you fabricio.murta


  14. hi, thanks for reply

    my case is b. when I click on first tree panel, nothing happens. it seams tree panel is inactive.

    I have a panel with accordion layout(mypanel).
    I add tree panels to...
  15. Hi
    Excuse me. my English is poor.

    I have an accordion panel. when I add dynamic tree panels to panel, first tree panel do not work for me. don't collapse/expand.

    I want when one of tree panels...
Results 1 to 15 of 15