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Type: Posts; User: Tbaseflug

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  1. I see this post - same results as I am posting - I am using bootstrap modal - so cannot change the class - any ideas?
  2. I have a simple gridpanel - works great - I have it in a div with display:none - when I was jquery to toggle the visibility - the grid displays but the column headers are now missing?
  3. I am trying to use TransformGrid with a simple table - dynamically bound via jquery - which works great standalone - but when I drop in TransformGrid the table just disappears?

    <%@ Page...
  4. In IE - my column headers have CSS missing or otherwise not working - works great/as expected in Chrome, etc.
  5. I have the below - trying to bind JsonPProxy - returning Json - to a gridpanel - via fiddler - I can see the Json being returned (below) - but the grid is just stuck saying "loading" and never binds...
  6. What was your workaround? Mine just suddenly stopped working?
  7. I have a gridpanel - and a simple single select selection model - no matter where I click in the grid, it only selects the first row - I am trying to pull it apart to post - but any ideas on where to...
  8. I have a loop which adds rows from one store to another

    Ext.getCmp('GridPanel5').store.add({ Code: val, ChargeType: val1, EstimatedCharge: val2, ChargeCoPay: charge,
  9. I am using and it is telling me:

    Unable to get property 'data' of undefined or null reference
  10. Actually - it is in the function - when I reload a store - which reload occurs on blur from a textfield - that the store reload is causing the textfield to lose focus? Any way around this? It is...
  11. I have a set of number/textfields - when I have listeners attached - and I hti tab, through the fields - the focus is consistently lost on the next field I tab into when the listener event fires?...
  12. I have a simple componentcolumn with a combobox - I want to pass a parameter into the store based upon the current row - I have the below - but obviously gets the value based upon rowIndex of 0 - how...
  13. I have a ComponentColumn with a Combobox within a gridpanel - based upon the value selected from teh combobox, I want to update the gridpanels store/record - how do I do that? Any help would be...
  14. OK - That seems to work - I wanted to perform a summary calculation on unique packageIDs only - but still display all inthe grid - so tried the below with the clearFilter at the end - if I take the...
  15. I have a store - am performing some summary calculations - for the purposes of this calculation - I need to remove duplicate records with same "PackageID" - I found the below - which apparently works...
  16. got it by checking for null
  17. I have a beforeedit listener on a grid - so what I am trying to do - is check the value of a numberfield - if empty - allow the grid to be edited - if not, throw an alert and disable editing - I am...
  18. I have a direct event - grabbing all grid rows, etc. I have an IDProperty set to ny Store reader called "Code"- when I try and desearlize the values - code does not show up below? How do I get the...
  19. I have a tabpanel - two tabs - a direct method in one - and I need to call it from the other. How can I?

    The tab panel I am trying to execute the direct method is called "Panel4" - so am trying...
  20. I had the below function in 1.x - porting my app over to 2.0 and the getColumnModel is breaking - what can I do to the below to make it work in 2.0? Any help would be greatly apreciated as I am up...
  21. I have an AccordionLayout with some panels - works great - what I would like to do - is of the three panels I have collapsing/expanding - is to always have the top one open to a min height of say 100...
  22. When I run
    Install-Package Ext.NET

    I get 2.1 reference still... Should it be up to 2.2?
  23. Still can't get it... I receive an error Unable to get value of the property 'get': object is null or undefined"
  24. I am despertely trying to remove all records in a store that share a similar "PackageID" value - so, whatever value is passed into the function - all records with a similar value - remove from the...
  25. I am trying to split the values from a multiselect combo - if I use the below, with getRawValue() - works great. If I use .getValue() - I get "Object doesn't support property or method split" -...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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